Landscape of memory, 2020-24

Landscape paintings about memory and place created on location in Scotland and Italy. For details please click on the thumbnails.


2020 – 2024 Landscapes of memory Memory is resonant, remote, temporary. These landscape paintings are about memory and place. They were begun on location, in the mountains of central Italy, the Isle of Lewis, Limekilns, Fife and Dumfriesshire in Scotland. Returning to the studio they become memory objects, an inquiry into what is seen and not seen, what I remember and what I don’t. They were exhibited as part of Eternal Return a solo exhibition at the Scottish Arts Club in April 2024.

Description: landscape paintings about memory and place

In a world of war, post-covid, in the midst of climate catastrophe, we all have had to consider and reconsider what is “out there”. Fields, trees, clouds and night, take on supernatural aspects influenced by our considerations about the world we are living in. Heightened senses felt in colours, opacity/transparency, tilted picture planes tell this story. I hope to provide ‘coordinates’, for viewers to situate themselves in relation to ‘landscape’ as a theatre for our most closely guarded secrets.

Paintings in this section were developed on residency at Merz Gallery in Dumfriesshire, Scotland and at the Museum of Loss and Renewal in Collemacchia, Italy.